Vote for your favorite non-profit everyday during the month of October in the 2024 Better Neighbor Fund.
Vote NowHoliday spending made manageable: Holiday Loans |
The link you clicked will take you to one of our partner websites. We don't control the content of our partner sites. Please review their Privacy Policy as it may differ from our Privacy Policy. We hope you found the information you were looking for from Town & Country Federal Credit Union.
An overdraft occurs when you do not have enough money in your account to cover a transaction but we pay it anyway.
We offer two different ways to cover your overdrafts:
We do authorize and pay overdrafts for the following types of transactions:
We will not authorize and pay overdrafts for the following types of transactions unless you authorize us to:
We pay overdrafts at our discretion, which means we do not guarantee that we will always authroize and pay any type of transaction.
If we do not authorize and pay an overdraft, your transaction will be declined.
Under our standard overdraft practices:
If you want us to authorize and pay overdrafts on ATM and everyday debit card transactions, you may complete the form below.
Query: SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM tcfcu_postmeta WHERE post_id IN (185,186,2596,808,813,814,810,812,4459,815,816,817,818,819,820,821,822,823,824,3851,826,2601,174,175,176,177,2598,156,157,195,159,158,2638,3852,160,196,2599,162,163,164,165,2602,178,180,181,183,184,205,179,182,2600,166,167,2604,168,169,3853,170,171,172,173,2597,151,154,153,155,2603,2607,3044) ORDER BY meta_id ASC
Time: 15.285 ms
SELECT t.term_id
FROM tcfcu_terms AS t INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id
WHERE tt.term_taxonomy_id IN (145)
Time: 14.673 ms
Query: SELECT tcfcu_posts.* FROM tcfcu_posts WHERE ID IN (10,12,689,691,693,695,4439,697,699,701,703,705,707,709,711,713,719,69,73,71,75,20,21,24,27,29,35,77,79,81,83,85,115,117,119,121,123,125,127,87,99,7,101,103,107,111,109,113,89,93,95,97)
Time: 12.390 ms
Query: SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM tcfcu_postmeta WHERE post_id IN (10,12,687,689,691,693,695,4439,697,699,701,703,705,707,709,711,713,719,69,73,71,75,14,20,21,24,27,29,35,77,79,81,83,85,115,117,119,121,123,125,127,87,99,7,101,103,107,111,109,113,89,93,95,97) ORDER BY meta_id ASC
Time: 9.259 ms
SELECT DISTINCT t.term_id, tr.object_id
FROM tcfcu_terms AS t INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_relationships AS tr ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id
WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('nav_menu') AND tr.object_id IN (2609, 520, 521, 519, 524, 523, 525, 526)
Time: 5.988 ms
Query: SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM tcfcu_postmeta WHERE post_id IN (105,135,131) ORDER BY meta_id ASC
Time: 5.369 ms
SELECT tcfcu_posts.*
FROM tcfcu_posts LEFT JOIN tcfcu_term_relationships ON (tcfcu_posts.ID = tcfcu_term_relationships.object_id)
tcfcu_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id IN (144)
) AND tcfcu_posts.post_type = 'nav_menu_item' AND ((tcfcu_posts.post_status = 'publish'))
GROUP BY tcfcu_posts.ID
ORDER BY tcfcu_posts.menu_order ASC
Time: 4.975 ms
Query: SELECT t.*, tt.* FROM tcfcu_terms AS t INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE t.term_id = 145
Time: 4.724 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'hustle_provider_local_list_settings' LIMIT 1
Time: 4.381 ms
SELECT tcfcu_posts.*
FROM tcfcu_posts LEFT JOIN tcfcu_term_relationships ON (tcfcu_posts.ID = tcfcu_term_relationships.object_id)
tcfcu_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id IN (131)
) AND tcfcu_posts.post_type = 'nav_menu_item' AND ((tcfcu_posts.post_status = 'publish'))
GROUP BY tcfcu_posts.ID
ORDER BY tcfcu_posts.menu_order ASC
Time: 4.141 ms
Query: SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM tcfcu_postmeta WHERE post_id IN (3913) ORDER BY meta_id ASC
Time: 4.001 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'exitbox_timeout_text_cancel' LIMIT 1
Time: 3.842 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'site_logo' LIMIT 1
Time: 3.786 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_posts WHERE ID = 3859 LIMIT 1
Time: 3.271 ms
Query: SELECT meta_id, meta_value FROM tcfcu_postmeta WHERE post_id = 715 AND meta_key LIKE 'rank\\_math\\_schema%'
Time: 3.016 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'yootheme' LIMIT 1
Time: 2.863 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='visibility' AND `module_id`=4
Time: 2.861 ms
Query: SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM tcfcu_postmeta WHERE post_id IN (2609,520,521,519,524,523,525,526) ORDER BY meta_id ASC
Time: 2.668 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_asl_settings WHERE `type` = 'additional_attributes'
Time: 2.503 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_asl_settings WHERE `type` = 'additional_attributes'
Time: 2.460 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_asl_configs WHERE `key` = 'tran_lbl';
Time: 2.414 ms
Query: SELECT `key`, `value` FROM tcfcu_asl_configs WHERE `type` = 'label'
Time: 2.335 ms
SELECT t.term_id
FROM tcfcu_terms AS t INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id
WHERE tt.term_taxonomy_id IN (131)
Time: 2.315 ms
Query: SELECT id, name, ordr FROM tcfcu_asl_specials WHERE lang = '' ORDER BY name ASC
Time: 2.312 ms
Query: SELECT id, name, ordr FROM tcfcu_asl_brands WHERE lang = '' ORDER BY name ASC
Time: 2.233 ms
Query: SELECT tcfcu_posts.* FROM tcfcu_posts WHERE ID IN (105,135,131)
Time: 2.221 ms
SELECT tcfcu_posts.*
FROM tcfcu_posts LEFT JOIN tcfcu_term_relationships ON (tcfcu_posts.ID = tcfcu_term_relationships.object_id)
tcfcu_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id IN (145)
) AND tcfcu_posts.post_type = 'nav_menu_item' AND ((tcfcu_posts.post_status = 'publish'))
GROUP BY tcfcu_posts.ID
ORDER BY tcfcu_posts.menu_order ASC
Time: 2.202 ms
SELECT t.term_id
FROM tcfcu_terms AS t INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id
WHERE tt.term_taxonomy_id IN (144)
Time: 2.137 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_asl_configs WHERE `key` NOT IN ('server_key', 'notify_email') AND `type` NOT IN ('label', 'priv');
Time: 2.109 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='emails' AND `module_id`=4
Time: 2.026 ms
Query: SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM tcfcu_postmeta WHERE post_id IN (527,528,529,530,2677) ORDER BY meta_id ASC
Time: 1.923 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='integrations_settings' AND `module_id`=4
Time: 1.870 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='design' AND `module_id`=4
Time: 1.859 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='settings' AND `module_id`=4
Time: 1.852 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='visibility' AND `module_id`=2
Time: 1.831 ms
Query: SELECT user_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM tcfcu_usermeta WHERE user_id IN (1) ORDER BY umeta_id ASC
Time: 1.815 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules WHERE module_id = 2
Time: 1.796 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='visibility' AND `module_id`=9
Time: 1.790 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='content' AND `module_id`=4
Time: 1.781 ms
Query: SELECT `key`,`value` FROM tcfcu_asl_configs WHERE `key` = 'api_key' OR `key` = 'map_language' OR `key` = 'map_region' OR `key` = 'advanced_marker' ORDER BY id ASC;
Time: 1.775 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='design' AND `module_id`=9
Time: 1.750 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='design' AND `module_id`=2
Time: 1.742 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'exitbox_debugtoconsole' LIMIT 1
Time: 1.741 ms
SELECT DISTINCT t.term_id, tr.object_id
FROM tcfcu_terms AS t INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_relationships AS tr ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id
WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('nav_menu') AND tr.object_id IN (527, 528, 529, 530, 2677)
Time: 1.696 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='settings' AND `module_id`=2
Time: 1.665 ms
SELECT tcfcu_posts.ID
FROM tcfcu_posts
WHERE 1=1 AND tcfcu_posts.post_parent = 715 AND tcfcu_posts.post_type = 'page' AND ((tcfcu_posts.post_status = 'publish'))
ORDER BY tcfcu_posts.menu_order ASC, tcfcu_posts.post_title ASC
LIMIT 0, 1
Time: 1.657 ms
Query: SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM tcfcu_postmeta WHERE post_id IN (2103,2065,3) ORDER BY meta_id ASC
Time: 1.627 ms
Query: SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM tcfcu_postmeta WHERE post_id IN (532,2675,2676,535,2668,2669) ORDER BY meta_id ASC
Time: 1.590 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='track_types' AND `module_id`=2
Time: 1.568 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='local_list_provider_settings' AND `module_id`=4
Time: 1.547 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'hustle_hub_cache_timeout' LIMIT 1
Time: 1.546 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_as3cf_items WHERE source_id = 715 AND source_type = 'media-library'
Time: 1.531 ms
FROM tcfcu_terms AS t INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_relationships AS tr ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id
WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('post_tag') AND tr.object_id IN (715)
Time: 1.506 ms
Query: SELECT `id`,`category_name` as name, `icon`, `ordr` FROM tcfcu_asl_categories WHERE lang = '' ORDER BY category_name ASC
Time: 1.491 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='visibility' AND `module_id`=6
Time: 1.479 ms
Query: SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM tcfcu_postmeta WHERE post_id IN (2708) ORDER BY meta_id ASC
Time: 1.461 ms
Query: SELECT t.*, tt.* FROM tcfcu_terms AS t INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE t.term_id = 144
Time: 1.440 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='mailchimp_provider_settings' AND `module_id`=4
Time: 1.430 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='content' AND `module_id`=6
Time: 1.429 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'forminator_module_use_donotcachepage' LIMIT 1
Time: 1.416 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'forminator_module_enable_load_ajax' LIMIT 1
Time: 1.408 ms
FROM tcfcu_terms AS t INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_relationships AS tr ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id
WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('wpcode_type') AND tr.object_id IN (3913)
Time: 1.369 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_rank_math_redirections WHERE status = 'active' AND ( sources like '%a:2:{s:7:\"pattern\";s:27:\"personal/loans/holiday-loan\";s:10:\"comparison\";s:5:\"exact\";}%' or sources like '%personal%' or sources like '%loans%' or sources like '%holiday%' or sources like '%loan%' ) ORDER BY updated DESC
Time: 1.336 ms
Query: SELECT module_type FROM `tcfcu_hustle_modules` WHERE `module_id`=4
Time: 1.328 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='schedule_flags' AND `module_id`=2
Time: 1.308 ms
SELECT tcfcu_posts.*
FROM tcfcu_posts LEFT JOIN tcfcu_term_relationships ON (tcfcu_posts.ID = tcfcu_term_relationships.object_id)
tcfcu_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id IN (146)
) AND tcfcu_posts.post_type = 'nav_menu_item' AND ((tcfcu_posts.post_status = 'publish'))
GROUP BY tcfcu_posts.ID
ORDER BY tcfcu_posts.menu_order ASC
Time: 1.296 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='content' AND `module_id`=9
Time: 1.289 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='track_types' AND `module_id`=9
Time: 1.286 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='mailchimp_provider_settings' AND `module_id`=4
Time: 1.267 ms
SELECT DISTINCT t.term_id, tr.object_id
FROM tcfcu_terms AS t INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_relationships AS tr ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id
WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('nav_menu') AND tr.object_id IN (532, 2675, 2676, 535, 2668, 2669)
Time: 1.255 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_as3cf_items WHERE source_id = 2222 AND source_type = 'media-library'
Time: 1.254 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_rank_math_redirections WHERE status = 'active' ORDER BY updated DESC
Time: 1.251 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'exitbox_enable_notifier_for_forms' LIMIT 1
Time: 1.242 ms
Query: SELECT t.*, tt.* FROM tcfcu_terms AS t INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE t.term_id = 146
Time: 1.213 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules WHERE module_id = 6
Time: 1.207 ms
FROM tcfcu_terms AS t INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_relationships AS tr ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id
WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('wpcode_type') AND tr.object_id IN (4326)
Time: 1.191 ms
Query: SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM tcfcu_postmeta WHERE post_id IN (4326) ORDER BY meta_id ASC
Time: 1.175 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'hustle_hub_cache_enabled' LIMIT 1
Time: 1.120 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'https_migration_required' LIMIT 1
Time: 1.098 ms
Query: SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM tcfcu_postmeta WHERE post_id IN (715) ORDER BY meta_id ASC
Time: 1.096 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='display' AND `module_id`=6
Time: 1.094 ms
Query: SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM tcfcu_postmeta WHERE post_id IN (2222) ORDER BY meta_id ASC
Time: 1.074 ms
Query: SELECT t.*, tt.* FROM tcfcu_terms AS t INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE t.term_id IN (195)
Time: 1.054 ms
Query: SELECT module_type FROM `tcfcu_hustle_modules` WHERE `module_id`=9
Time: 1.051 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'exitbox_apply_to_all_offsite_forms' LIMIT 1
Time: 1.050 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='schedule_flags' AND `module_id`=9
Time: 1.037 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_posts WHERE ID = 687 LIMIT 1
Time: 1.021 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'exitbox_timeout_seconds' LIMIT 1
Time: 1.020 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='track_types' AND `module_id`=6
Time: 1.000 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='schedule_flags' AND `module_id`=4
Time: 0.988 ms
FROM tcfcu_terms AS t INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_relationships AS tr ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id
WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('category') AND tr.object_id IN (715)
Time: 0.984 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'exitbox_continue_or_cancel' LIMIT 1
Time: 0.981 ms
Query: SELECT t.*, tt.* FROM tcfcu_terms AS t INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE t.term_id = 131
Time: 0.972 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_posts WHERE ID = 2708 LIMIT 1
Time: 0.966 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'hustle_custom_palettes' LIMIT 1
Time: 0.962 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='mailchimp_provider_settings' AND `module_id`=4
Time: 0.960 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_posts WHERE ID = 14 LIMIT 1
Time: 0.948 ms
Query: SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM tcfcu_postmeta WHERE post_id IN (4244) ORDER BY meta_id ASC
Time: 0.942 ms
Query: SELECT module_type FROM `tcfcu_hustle_modules` WHERE `module_id`=2
Time: 0.940 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules WHERE module_id = 9
Time: 0.920 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'exitbox_enable_progressbar' LIMIT 1
Time: 0.918 ms
SELECT t.term_id
FROM tcfcu_terms AS t INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id
WHERE tt.term_taxonomy_id IN (146)
Time: 0.908 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'exitbox_activate_custom_content' LIMIT 1
Time: 0.906 ms
Query: SELECT module_type FROM `tcfcu_hustle_modules` WHERE `module_id`=6
Time: 0.892 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'exitbox_timeout_text_continue' LIMIT 1
Time: 0.889 ms
Query: SELECT tcfcu_posts.* FROM tcfcu_posts WHERE ID IN (2103,2065,3)
Time: 0.887 ms
Query: SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM tcfcu_postmeta WHERE post_id IN (3859) ORDER BY meta_id ASC
Time: 0.882 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_as3cf_items WHERE source_id = 715 AND source_type = 'media-library'
Time: 0.857 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_users WHERE ID = '1' LIMIT 1
Time: 0.855 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_posts WHERE ID = 715 LIMIT 1
Time: 0.844 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_rank_math_redirections_cache WHERE ( object_id = 715 and object_type = 'post' ) OR BINARY from_url = 'personal/loans/holiday-loan' ORDER BY object_id DESC
Time: 0.842 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_widgetkit WHERE id = "19"
Time: 0.819 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_posts WHERE ID = 2222 LIMIT 1
Time: 0.818 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_posts WHERE ID = 4326 LIMIT 1
Time: 0.812 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_posts WHERE ID = 3913 LIMIT 1
Time: 0.810 ms
Query: SELECT m.`module_id` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules AS m WHERE 1 AND m.`active`= 1 ORDER BY m.`module_id` DESC
Time: 0.750 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'exitbox_enable_timeout' LIMIT 1
Time: 0.691 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules WHERE module_id = 4
Time: 0.669 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'exitbox_jquery_form_selector_field' LIMIT 1
Time: 0.643 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'exitbox_timeout_statement' LIMIT 1
Time: 0.616 ms
Query: SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM tcfcu_postmeta WHERE post_id IN (185,186,2596,808,813,814,810,812,4459,815,816,817,818,819,820,821,822,823,824,3851,826,2601,174,175,176,177,2598,156,157,195,159,158,2638,3852,160,196,2599,162,163,164,165,2602,178,180,181,183,184,205,179,182,2600,166,167,2604,168,169,3853,170,171,172,173,2597,151,154,153,155,2603,2607,3044) ORDER BY meta_id ASC
Time: 15.285 ms
SELECT t.term_id
FROM tcfcu_terms AS t INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id
WHERE tt.term_taxonomy_id IN (145)
Time: 14.673 ms
Query: SELECT tcfcu_posts.* FROM tcfcu_posts WHERE ID IN (10,12,689,691,693,695,4439,697,699,701,703,705,707,709,711,713,719,69,73,71,75,20,21,24,27,29,35,77,79,81,83,85,115,117,119,121,123,125,127,87,99,7,101,103,107,111,109,113,89,93,95,97)
Time: 12.390 ms
Query: SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM tcfcu_postmeta WHERE post_id IN (10,12,687,689,691,693,695,4439,697,699,701,703,705,707,709,711,713,719,69,73,71,75,14,20,21,24,27,29,35,77,79,81,83,85,115,117,119,121,123,125,127,87,99,7,101,103,107,111,109,113,89,93,95,97) ORDER BY meta_id ASC
Time: 9.259 ms
SELECT DISTINCT t.term_id, tr.object_id
FROM tcfcu_terms AS t INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_relationships AS tr ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id
WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('nav_menu') AND tr.object_id IN (2609, 520, 521, 519, 524, 523, 525, 526)
Time: 5.988 ms
Query: SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM tcfcu_postmeta WHERE post_id IN (105,135,131) ORDER BY meta_id ASC
Time: 5.369 ms
SELECT tcfcu_posts.*
FROM tcfcu_posts LEFT JOIN tcfcu_term_relationships ON (tcfcu_posts.ID = tcfcu_term_relationships.object_id)
tcfcu_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id IN (144)
) AND tcfcu_posts.post_type = 'nav_menu_item' AND ((tcfcu_posts.post_status = 'publish'))
GROUP BY tcfcu_posts.ID
ORDER BY tcfcu_posts.menu_order ASC
Time: 4.975 ms
Query: SELECT t.*, tt.* FROM tcfcu_terms AS t INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE t.term_id = 145
Time: 4.724 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'hustle_provider_local_list_settings' LIMIT 1
Time: 4.381 ms
SELECT tcfcu_posts.*
FROM tcfcu_posts LEFT JOIN tcfcu_term_relationships ON (tcfcu_posts.ID = tcfcu_term_relationships.object_id)
tcfcu_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id IN (131)
) AND tcfcu_posts.post_type = 'nav_menu_item' AND ((tcfcu_posts.post_status = 'publish'))
GROUP BY tcfcu_posts.ID
ORDER BY tcfcu_posts.menu_order ASC
Time: 4.141 ms
Query: SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM tcfcu_postmeta WHERE post_id IN (3913) ORDER BY meta_id ASC
Time: 4.001 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'exitbox_timeout_text_cancel' LIMIT 1
Time: 3.842 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'site_logo' LIMIT 1
Time: 3.786 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_posts WHERE ID = 3859 LIMIT 1
Time: 3.271 ms
Query: SELECT meta_id, meta_value FROM tcfcu_postmeta WHERE post_id = 715 AND meta_key LIKE 'rank\\_math\\_schema%'
Time: 3.016 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'yootheme' LIMIT 1
Time: 2.863 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='visibility' AND `module_id`=4
Time: 2.861 ms
Query: SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM tcfcu_postmeta WHERE post_id IN (2609,520,521,519,524,523,525,526) ORDER BY meta_id ASC
Time: 2.668 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_asl_settings WHERE `type` = 'additional_attributes'
Time: 2.503 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_asl_settings WHERE `type` = 'additional_attributes'
Time: 2.460 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_asl_configs WHERE `key` = 'tran_lbl';
Time: 2.414 ms
Query: SELECT `key`, `value` FROM tcfcu_asl_configs WHERE `type` = 'label'
Time: 2.335 ms
SELECT t.term_id
FROM tcfcu_terms AS t INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id
WHERE tt.term_taxonomy_id IN (131)
Time: 2.315 ms
Query: SELECT id, name, ordr FROM tcfcu_asl_specials WHERE lang = '' ORDER BY name ASC
Time: 2.312 ms
Query: SELECT id, name, ordr FROM tcfcu_asl_brands WHERE lang = '' ORDER BY name ASC
Time: 2.233 ms
Query: SELECT tcfcu_posts.* FROM tcfcu_posts WHERE ID IN (105,135,131)
Time: 2.221 ms
SELECT tcfcu_posts.*
FROM tcfcu_posts LEFT JOIN tcfcu_term_relationships ON (tcfcu_posts.ID = tcfcu_term_relationships.object_id)
tcfcu_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id IN (145)
) AND tcfcu_posts.post_type = 'nav_menu_item' AND ((tcfcu_posts.post_status = 'publish'))
GROUP BY tcfcu_posts.ID
ORDER BY tcfcu_posts.menu_order ASC
Time: 2.202 ms
SELECT t.term_id
FROM tcfcu_terms AS t INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id
WHERE tt.term_taxonomy_id IN (144)
Time: 2.137 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_asl_configs WHERE `key` NOT IN ('server_key', 'notify_email') AND `type` NOT IN ('label', 'priv');
Time: 2.109 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='emails' AND `module_id`=4
Time: 2.026 ms
Query: SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM tcfcu_postmeta WHERE post_id IN (527,528,529,530,2677) ORDER BY meta_id ASC
Time: 1.923 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='integrations_settings' AND `module_id`=4
Time: 1.870 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='design' AND `module_id`=4
Time: 1.859 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='settings' AND `module_id`=4
Time: 1.852 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='visibility' AND `module_id`=2
Time: 1.831 ms
Query: SELECT user_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM tcfcu_usermeta WHERE user_id IN (1) ORDER BY umeta_id ASC
Time: 1.815 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules WHERE module_id = 2
Time: 1.796 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='visibility' AND `module_id`=9
Time: 1.790 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='content' AND `module_id`=4
Time: 1.781 ms
Query: SELECT `key`,`value` FROM tcfcu_asl_configs WHERE `key` = 'api_key' OR `key` = 'map_language' OR `key` = 'map_region' OR `key` = 'advanced_marker' ORDER BY id ASC;
Time: 1.775 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='design' AND `module_id`=9
Time: 1.750 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='design' AND `module_id`=2
Time: 1.742 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'exitbox_debugtoconsole' LIMIT 1
Time: 1.741 ms
SELECT DISTINCT t.term_id, tr.object_id
FROM tcfcu_terms AS t INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_relationships AS tr ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id
WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('nav_menu') AND tr.object_id IN (527, 528, 529, 530, 2677)
Time: 1.696 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='settings' AND `module_id`=2
Time: 1.665 ms
SELECT tcfcu_posts.ID
FROM tcfcu_posts
WHERE 1=1 AND tcfcu_posts.post_parent = 715 AND tcfcu_posts.post_type = 'page' AND ((tcfcu_posts.post_status = 'publish'))
ORDER BY tcfcu_posts.menu_order ASC, tcfcu_posts.post_title ASC
LIMIT 0, 1
Time: 1.657 ms
Query: SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM tcfcu_postmeta WHERE post_id IN (2103,2065,3) ORDER BY meta_id ASC
Time: 1.627 ms
Query: SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM tcfcu_postmeta WHERE post_id IN (532,2675,2676,535,2668,2669) ORDER BY meta_id ASC
Time: 1.590 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='track_types' AND `module_id`=2
Time: 1.568 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='local_list_provider_settings' AND `module_id`=4
Time: 1.547 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'hustle_hub_cache_timeout' LIMIT 1
Time: 1.546 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_as3cf_items WHERE source_id = 715 AND source_type = 'media-library'
Time: 1.531 ms
FROM tcfcu_terms AS t INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_relationships AS tr ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id
WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('post_tag') AND tr.object_id IN (715)
Time: 1.506 ms
Query: SELECT `id`,`category_name` as name, `icon`, `ordr` FROM tcfcu_asl_categories WHERE lang = '' ORDER BY category_name ASC
Time: 1.491 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='visibility' AND `module_id`=6
Time: 1.479 ms
Query: SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM tcfcu_postmeta WHERE post_id IN (2708) ORDER BY meta_id ASC
Time: 1.461 ms
Query: SELECT t.*, tt.* FROM tcfcu_terms AS t INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE t.term_id = 144
Time: 1.440 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='mailchimp_provider_settings' AND `module_id`=4
Time: 1.430 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='content' AND `module_id`=6
Time: 1.429 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'forminator_module_use_donotcachepage' LIMIT 1
Time: 1.416 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'forminator_module_enable_load_ajax' LIMIT 1
Time: 1.408 ms
FROM tcfcu_terms AS t INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_relationships AS tr ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id
WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('wpcode_type') AND tr.object_id IN (3913)
Time: 1.369 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_rank_math_redirections WHERE status = 'active' AND ( sources like '%a:2:{s:7:\"pattern\";s:27:\"personal/loans/holiday-loan\";s:10:\"comparison\";s:5:\"exact\";}%' or sources like '%personal%' or sources like '%loans%' or sources like '%holiday%' or sources like '%loan%' ) ORDER BY updated DESC
Time: 1.336 ms
Query: SELECT module_type FROM `tcfcu_hustle_modules` WHERE `module_id`=4
Time: 1.328 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='schedule_flags' AND `module_id`=2
Time: 1.308 ms
SELECT tcfcu_posts.*
FROM tcfcu_posts LEFT JOIN tcfcu_term_relationships ON (tcfcu_posts.ID = tcfcu_term_relationships.object_id)
tcfcu_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id IN (146)
) AND tcfcu_posts.post_type = 'nav_menu_item' AND ((tcfcu_posts.post_status = 'publish'))
GROUP BY tcfcu_posts.ID
ORDER BY tcfcu_posts.menu_order ASC
Time: 1.296 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='content' AND `module_id`=9
Time: 1.289 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='track_types' AND `module_id`=9
Time: 1.286 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='mailchimp_provider_settings' AND `module_id`=4
Time: 1.267 ms
SELECT DISTINCT t.term_id, tr.object_id
FROM tcfcu_terms AS t INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_relationships AS tr ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id
WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('nav_menu') AND tr.object_id IN (532, 2675, 2676, 535, 2668, 2669)
Time: 1.255 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_as3cf_items WHERE source_id = 2222 AND source_type = 'media-library'
Time: 1.254 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_rank_math_redirections WHERE status = 'active' ORDER BY updated DESC
Time: 1.251 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'exitbox_enable_notifier_for_forms' LIMIT 1
Time: 1.242 ms
Query: SELECT t.*, tt.* FROM tcfcu_terms AS t INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE t.term_id = 146
Time: 1.213 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules WHERE module_id = 6
Time: 1.207 ms
FROM tcfcu_terms AS t INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_relationships AS tr ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id
WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('wpcode_type') AND tr.object_id IN (4326)
Time: 1.191 ms
Query: SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM tcfcu_postmeta WHERE post_id IN (4326) ORDER BY meta_id ASC
Time: 1.175 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'hustle_hub_cache_enabled' LIMIT 1
Time: 1.120 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'https_migration_required' LIMIT 1
Time: 1.098 ms
Query: SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM tcfcu_postmeta WHERE post_id IN (715) ORDER BY meta_id ASC
Time: 1.096 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='display' AND `module_id`=6
Time: 1.094 ms
Query: SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM tcfcu_postmeta WHERE post_id IN (2222) ORDER BY meta_id ASC
Time: 1.074 ms
Query: SELECT t.*, tt.* FROM tcfcu_terms AS t INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE t.term_id IN (195)
Time: 1.054 ms
Query: SELECT module_type FROM `tcfcu_hustle_modules` WHERE `module_id`=9
Time: 1.051 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'exitbox_apply_to_all_offsite_forms' LIMIT 1
Time: 1.050 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='schedule_flags' AND `module_id`=9
Time: 1.037 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_posts WHERE ID = 687 LIMIT 1
Time: 1.021 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'exitbox_timeout_seconds' LIMIT 1
Time: 1.020 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='track_types' AND `module_id`=6
Time: 1.000 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='schedule_flags' AND `module_id`=4
Time: 0.988 ms
FROM tcfcu_terms AS t INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_relationships AS tr ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id
WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('category') AND tr.object_id IN (715)
Time: 0.984 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'exitbox_continue_or_cancel' LIMIT 1
Time: 0.981 ms
Query: SELECT t.*, tt.* FROM tcfcu_terms AS t INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE t.term_id = 131
Time: 0.972 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_posts WHERE ID = 2708 LIMIT 1
Time: 0.966 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'hustle_custom_palettes' LIMIT 1
Time: 0.962 ms
Query: SELECT `meta_value` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules_meta WHERE `meta_key`='mailchimp_provider_settings' AND `module_id`=4
Time: 0.960 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_posts WHERE ID = 14 LIMIT 1
Time: 0.948 ms
Query: SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM tcfcu_postmeta WHERE post_id IN (4244) ORDER BY meta_id ASC
Time: 0.942 ms
Query: SELECT module_type FROM `tcfcu_hustle_modules` WHERE `module_id`=2
Time: 0.940 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules WHERE module_id = 9
Time: 0.920 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'exitbox_enable_progressbar' LIMIT 1
Time: 0.918 ms
SELECT t.term_id
FROM tcfcu_terms AS t INNER JOIN tcfcu_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id
WHERE tt.term_taxonomy_id IN (146)
Time: 0.908 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'exitbox_activate_custom_content' LIMIT 1
Time: 0.906 ms
Query: SELECT module_type FROM `tcfcu_hustle_modules` WHERE `module_id`=6
Time: 0.892 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'exitbox_timeout_text_continue' LIMIT 1
Time: 0.889 ms
Query: SELECT tcfcu_posts.* FROM tcfcu_posts WHERE ID IN (2103,2065,3)
Time: 0.887 ms
Query: SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM tcfcu_postmeta WHERE post_id IN (3859) ORDER BY meta_id ASC
Time: 0.882 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_as3cf_items WHERE source_id = 715 AND source_type = 'media-library'
Time: 0.857 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_users WHERE ID = '1' LIMIT 1
Time: 0.855 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_posts WHERE ID = 715 LIMIT 1
Time: 0.844 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_rank_math_redirections_cache WHERE ( object_id = 715 and object_type = 'post' ) OR BINARY from_url = 'personal/loans/holiday-loan' ORDER BY object_id DESC
Time: 0.842 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_widgetkit WHERE id = "19"
Time: 0.819 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_posts WHERE ID = 2222 LIMIT 1
Time: 0.818 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_posts WHERE ID = 4326 LIMIT 1
Time: 0.812 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_posts WHERE ID = 3913 LIMIT 1
Time: 0.810 ms
Query: SELECT m.`module_id` FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules AS m WHERE 1 AND m.`active`= 1 ORDER BY m.`module_id` DESC
Time: 0.750 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'exitbox_enable_timeout' LIMIT 1
Time: 0.691 ms
Query: SELECT * FROM tcfcu_hustle_modules WHERE module_id = 4
Time: 0.669 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'exitbox_jquery_form_selector_field' LIMIT 1
Time: 0.643 ms
Query: SELECT option_value FROM tcfcu_options WHERE option_name = 'exitbox_timeout_statement' LIMIT 1
Time: 0.616 ms