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January 01, 2024

Important Fraud Alert

A Message for our valued members:

Unfortunately, financial fraud and suspicious activity are a part of our world. This includes scams, phishing emails, phone calls and other schemes to solicit your sensitive data including account information. Recently, we have received communications regarding members receiving phone calls from fraudsters impersonating Town & Country, advising the member of a problem with their card, and attempting to get card and other personal information from the member.

Remember, Town & Country will never call you and ask for your card, account number or full social security number over the phone.  The best way to handle unsolicited phone calls or emails is to hang up or delete the message. When in doubt, call the financial institution or merchant directly to verify information. This could help protect you and/or someone you know from being a victim.

Oftentimes, fraudsters are preying upon vulnerable individuals who are trusting and more likely to comply with the request. If you have a vulnerable relative, neighbor, or friend, please encourage them to call their financial institution and never give out or allow access to their financial account information, especially to a stranger.

Town & Country Federal Credit Union cares about your financial wellness and is committed to offering tips to help protect you.  Click here to find out more ways to help protect yourself, friends, and family against fraud.

Please reach out to us at 800.649.3495; or email anytime with any questions or for assistance.

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Total Queries: 139
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